BY Michael Light / On April 5, 2024

美国最富有的邮政编码之一正变得更加富有,其顶层公寓的售价创下了新的纪录 Six Fisher on the famed Fisher Island in Miami Beach. The project, 作为第一个需要邀请才能考虑购买的新住宅开发项目,哪个项目获得了额外的知名度, has sold a combination of upper penthouses for over $150 million, according to Bloomberg.

这种超豪华的销售遵循了沿海地区普遍存在的趋势. 迈阿密的商业友好环境吸引了大量超高净值个人、他们创办的公司,以及共同努力使公司富有成效的高收入者.

“We’re seeing a great exodus that is coming to Miami, not just to buy real estate, but for the companies to make Miami their base. 这带来了非常高端的就业机会,他们将负担得起公寓。 Related Group founder Jorge Perez in a Bloomberg interview.

At the time of the interview, Perez was in Brazil, 拜访VIP客户,扩大他不断增长的艺术收藏. 他指出,拉丁美洲对迈阿密会议的反应一向很好. 超高净值的南美人在这里感到安全和受欢迎, 地理位置便利,气候适宜放松. With that being said, 他提到,高水平的商业涌入带来了国内买家对住宅的激烈竞争.

Perez noted that of late, 在他最高档的项目中,国内买家占了住宅销售的一半, traditionally representing 20%-25% of the owners. 剩下的买家都是外国人,大多来自拉丁美洲.

Rendering of Six Fisher Island Porte Cochere

Rendering of Six Fisher Island Porte Cochere

“miami has become a very serious city,” Perez told Bloomberg. “Before it was a tourist city. Fun and sun.”

迈阿密和迈阿密海滩作为单一派对目的地的日子已经一去不复返了. In years past, 这个城市没有辜负它作为狂欢游客的圣地的名声, 但新涌入的利润丰厚的企业为一个更精致、更奢华的目的地铺平了道路. Miami Beach is becoming the American Riviera, 随着高级体验的普及,争夺最高级和最独特体验的竞争日益激烈.

费雪岛一直是高端的排他性和隐私, as it is accessible only by boat. 客人在码头接受安全检查,居民生活轻松, resort-lifestyle in the confines of their domain. 这个岛基本上是一个小镇,有自己的小学, post office, police force and EMS, a golf club, private beach, spa and multiple restaurants. With less than 600 residents, you will see plenty of people cruising around on golf carts, enjoying the countless amenities at their fingertips.

Rendering of Six Fisher Island Golf Club

Rendering of Six Fisher Island Golf Club

Rendering of Six Fisher Island Pool

Rendering of Six Fisher Island Pool

Rendering of Six Fisher Island Deep Water Dock

Rendering of Six Fisher Island Deep Water Dock

六渔人岛(Six Fisher Island)一直是在最高档公寓开发项目中采用新购买方式的先驱, 住宅销售额超过3亿美元(占整个项目的三分之一) within the first couple of months from launch. During this launch period, there were no press releases or sales blasts, 相反,这个项目是私下提供给一些VIP客户的, who told their friends of the opportunity and viola!

在项目完成并开始结算之前,365app不会知道住宅的具体销售价格, this is expected in 2025. Considering the Fisher Island resale market, where we do have concrete figures, the average cost of a condominium residence was $4.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2023. The most expensive recent penthouse sale was $40 Million, and tennis great Caroline Wozniacki is asking $42.5 Million for her penthouse at Palazzo Del Sol. 她和丈夫、纽约尼克斯队球员大卫·李(David Lee)一起住在这里. Palazzo Del Sol是费舍尔岛最新的开发项目之一,于2016年完工.

Rendering of Six Fisher Island Terrace

Rendering of Six Fisher Island Terrace

Rendering of Six Fisher Island Primary Suite

Rendering of Six Fisher Island Primary Suite

在成为该地区最独特的开发项目的竞争中,Six Fisher是一个很好的公司. 柯林斯大道1901号的海岸俱乐部(Shore Club)最近摘得了售价最高的顶层公寓的桂冠, with an anonymous buyer signing a reported $120 million for the upper penthouse. 其他令人瞠目结舌的项目还包括迈克尔•什沃(Michael SHVO)旗下罗利酒店(Raleigh Hotel)价值1.5亿美元的顶层公寓组合, also on Miami Beach, and Jeff Bezos’s buying spree on Indian Creek Island, which has become known as the Billionaire Bunker.

Despite the offerings elsewhere, 费舍尔岛将永远是独一无二的,因为没有其他独家和全方位服务的岛屿,只能通过游艇进入, ferry or helicopter. Even in the most exclusive of markets, 每个项目都有自己定制的个性,迎合迈阿密海滩欢迎的独家买家.

Douglas Elliman is the exclusive broker for Six Fisher. If you are interested in an invitation to consider this project, please contact Michael Light, Douglas Elliman奢侈品销售的经纪人和执行董事. 您可以直接致电(786)566-1700或通过电子邮件联系Michael michael@ff1213.com

Images courtesy of: Six Fisher by The Related Group


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